Voynich Unveiled

A Guide To Decoding The Symbols.

By Robert Funicella

This book is dedicated to all the souls

 of the past 600 years that have spent

 countless hours trying to decode it, 

and, to those who have yet to try.


Welcome to Voynich Unveiled, today I will be talking about the Voynich Manuscript in a little more detail than you've probably seen before.  As of this writing, I have been studying the Manuscript for more than four years now, almost five, and I've made a lot of discoveries and drawn some conclusions about how to decode the symbols in the Manuscript and I will share that with you.

The first thing I will tell you is that the system that is required to decode the text looks a lot like it's based on an Empirical System of Learning, which is learning by observation, experimentation, and experience. It is purposely coded in some areas to be very easy to decode and in other areas as difficult and more difficult.  Just like when we learned math in school. We learned addition and subtraction first, then multiplication and division. If random math problems were mixed together on a blackboard, someone in the first grade would be able to recognize certain problems and in the second grade a few more problems than the first graderThat being said, there is a lot of information to present, and I will try to present it in a logical order that is easy to digest, but there might also be a few loose ends that come together at the end. I don't want anyone to be skeptical of my results because I presented something they weren't ready for and didn't grasp it. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the subject, there will be some skipping around to introduce something new but related to the current topic. Please be sure to reread sections if necessary, and to read all the way to the end, before making any premature assumptions, conclusions, or judgments.

I would like to take a moment to thank Ray Clemens, for his help with the documentation related to the permission in using these images from the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, at Yale University. 

If anyone wants to access the high-res images there, you can access them at this link; 


This online page / book is still a work in progress, and I will update it or make changes as I discover new things or receive feedback from others.

I tried to write this in layman's terms, but I will assume that everyone reading it is somewhat familiar with the contents of the Voynich Manuscript, and it's history.  Otherwise, I would suggest a prerequisite such as; 

The Histocrat, The Voynich Manuscript, A History.

The Voynich Manuscript - Bing video 

Copyright © 2021, 2024 Robert Funicella 

All rights reserved.

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the copyright holder.


Chapter One: Welcome to First Grade.

Chapter Two: Dance Fever.

Chapter Three: The Birds and the Bees.

Chapter Four: The Shadow Through the Trees.

Chapter Five: Heaven and Earth.

Chapter Six: Congratulations, You Found God.

Chapter Seven: A Lucky Find on a Leaf.

Chapter Eight: How Thundering Rain is Made.

Chapter Nine: The Top and Bottom of the Food Chain.

Chapter Ten: The Last Figurine.

Chapter Eleven: The Seed.

Chapter Twelve: Miscellaneous.

Chapter Thirteen: The Miniature World.

Chapter Fourteen: Speculation and Possibility.

Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue.

Chapter One: Welcome to First Grade.

So, let’s get started.  I've read about many people claiming to have solved this 600-year-old mystery.  Being translatable into everything from Celtic, to Egyptian, to a pseudo-romantic language to languages of beings from other worlds. I saw an interview of one gentleman who wrote a computer program to solve it but admitted that he had never even studied any of the pictures, just went straight to the text.   I've watched videos where "experts" talked for hours on the subject, but never offered even a hint at a solution.  

Unfortunately, up to now, all of these "solutions" to the codex haven't lived up to expectations and have been disproved under scrutiny.

After studying this for 5 years, I could also claim to be one of those self-proclaimed "experts" and will share a few notable things. It seems to contain a few religious words, such as God, Sin, Heaven, and Church.  Also, words about other celestial objects, such as the Moon, and Orion. I recently found the word WATER in a few places, strangely it's written in two directions as if to follow the movements of the tide.  I talk about it in chapter 14.

After many hours of carefully studying many pages, I have drawn some conclusions about this book, and from what I've seen and learned, I'm going to suggest that the symbols can be decoded directly into some good ole' dialect of the English language.  

Page 14r

Page 16v

 I will take you on a tour of the pages, showing you the clues and how they relate to a possible solution, from there you can draw your own conclusions. 

I will try to prove as much as I can by showing multiple examples of something from various sources and angles, and how it relates directly to features found on the images throughout the book.

The complex mechanics of the translation scheme seems to be defined in the pictures.  As you make new discoveries, this relationship will become more evident.

As of this writing I have decoded paragraphs and sentences on four different pages, about 50 words in all.  When solving encrypted puzzles, it is often necessary to make some educated guesses about what letter or word a particular symbol translates into, and hopefully if you guessed correctly, it would result in a pattern that will produce a coherent meaning, over and over.  I have done the same with the translations I have provided on various pages, they are all translated following a pattern.  In the case of this Manuscript, that pattern is a little complex.  There seems to be six translations running at the same time, so you could technically have six different translations for one symbol.  But as a whole the sentences seem very coherent, and I feel confident they are 98% correct. There are distinct levels of complexity to the translations, and one grows as they study more.  Some translations seem easy by design, as to steer the reader in a certain direction, or provide clues about the encryption method itself.  I found one section that seems like it tells you your current skill level.

Another common situation when deciphering a substitution cipher is that as you figure out the translated words, it doesn't always reduce down to the lowest level, on the first pass, where you have just a single letter for one symbol.  Sometimes a symbol might have several possibilities, in the beginning, but as more and more words are found, patterns become more concrete, and then a symbol or group of symbols will translate into only a single letter or word.

Just a note, that there is some bleed thru of ink from the back side of some pages, it can confuse the image a little bit.  Just be aware of it and focus on what's actually on the page and not on what's bleeding thru from the other side.

There are many hints and clues hiding among the pages, in plain sight.   

I will introduce the symbols one by one, what I think they represent, and how they work.  Also, we will explore the clues among the pages. and how they possibly relate to them.

Let's start with page 14 (image above).  There is a physical cutout on the outer edge of this page.

If you were to copy and mirror it about the edge of the page, you would have a perfect Valentine's Day heart shape.  Do you think it's a coincidence that the page number coincides with Valentine's Day being on the 14th of February?  I don't but keep it in the back of your mind because it will happen several times throughout this book, that the page numbers are significant.

I've heard arguments from a few people that because some of the pages were moved around in the Voynich's past, that any references to page numbers as part of clues is not reliable.  And while the part where pages were moved may be true, I would argue against that claim when they say that my work cannot be correct because of it.   I can show a dozen examples where there are solid references to page numbers.  Two quick examples would be the above reference to February 14th and a cutout of a heart shape.  What other reason more logical to pick page 14 and why a heart shape?  Another example is on page 78r.  If you count the number of women in the two pools, it is the same as the page number.  My question to them is how many coincidences does there have to be before it's not a coincidence anymore?  Perhaps those features were built into the pages to double check the page numbering when the manuscript was assembled or perhaps the pages were in the wrong places to begin with and now they are set correctly after being moved.  Because we don't know the exact origins of the manuscript, anything is possible, what if it was passed down over a generation for example from father to son with instructions to move certain pages around, that we are not aware of. 

Think about it, if you were trying to demonstrate a system that involved observations and patterns, and wanted to show two different items that go together, what example would you have chosen to show a connection between a page number and something else?

My gut instinct and conclusion is that even if sections were moved around, it didn't affect every page, and more specifically not ones that contain references to page numbers.  But I will look deeper into it.

The next page I want to show you is page 16v, above to the right.  To the casual observer it would look like an ordinary plant with a blue flower on the top and four small branches with red flowers at the end of each.  The only strange part is the roots, that look like the back of a hand with the fingers folded underneath. 

I can tell you that there is more to this flower than meets the eye, but I want to make a point that the information that it holds will not present itself until you are ready to comprehend it.

We will come back to this page later, and you will see things that you don't see at the moment.

Before we get into the next page, as I was poking around online trying to find material related to the manuscript,  I came across a few interesting things I wanted to share, and of course this is just my opinion, but I think if there was a person that influenced the design of this manuscript, either directly, or indirectly, it might have been Roger Bacon,  although he lived in a time period that preceded the manuscript according to its carbon dating.

Most of the components that went into this puzzle revolve around math, science, astronomy, religion, and language.  He was well studied in all.  He was obsessed with the idea of an Empirical system of learning, a system of observation and experimentation.  Among the many things he wrote, I believe he wrote, "there are two ways to acquire knowledge, one through reason, the other by experience".  It is a sure bet that the code in this manuscript was made to be solved by these explicit methods, and only these methods.

Another thing he wrote about was "encrypting messages to protect a secret, from the vulgar, and make the more intelligent pay some labor and sweat before they can understand it".

If you google, "Who invented the magnifying glass" it says Roger Bacon and the first mention of it's use was in1268.  He adapted its use as primitive spectacles, allowing scholars with failing eyesight to continue their work. However, according to study.com which says he did not invent the magnifying glass, necessarily.  Instead, Bacon had read a Latin translation of the Book of Optics written by Islamic scholar Ibn Al-Haytham in 1021.  In accordance with this existing research, Bacon further described the properties of a convex glass that magnifies an image in his thirteenth-century writing.  

Most of the tiniest details in this book, could not have been done without some kind of magnification.  Even the high-resolution pictures offered by the Beinecke Library, when viewed at the zoom limit, can barely hold the smallest details.

Also, there is another book worth mentioning, called the Book of Soyga.  After skimming through this book, it seems to me that whoever wrote the Voynich Manuscript might have read the Book of Soyga, first.  There are so many similarities.

Firstly, it talks about the universe being based on numbers.

Secondly, it talks about everything having a beginning, a middle, and an end, which could be represented by the # 3, and the number 3 is all over the place in the Voynich Manuscript.

Thirdly, it talks about a translation of the first order, and of the second order.  I will point these out as we encounter them.

You can find online, several images under Roger Bacon, showing time as it relates to his life as, a youthful person, then a mature person, and then an elderly person.

Next up, page 4r (image below).  There are several significant finds on this page.  At the bottom of the main stem of the flower, near the roots, there appears to be 3 letters. 

Page 4r

 (Refer to left image, below.)  Looking at it straight on, the top letter is a letter ' T ' from this angle.  Notice that it is made up of two pieces, a small separate Horizontal dash ' - ' makes up the upper right corner of the ' T '.   

If that dash was removed, then what remains sort of looks like the crooked '2' that appears as a symbol throughout the majority of the manuscript's pages.

(the ascii code for that voynich symbol would be 121)

Now, if you tilt your head 90 degrees to the left, or rotate the image 90 degrees, and read the 3-letter word from the bottom up, it looks like "TOP." with a period at the end.  Note that there is a small gap in the top left of the 'P', but if you took the same kind of dash ' - ' that was previously in the ' T ' and made it Vertical, it could fill in that space.

Now, the important part.  If you pretend that the 'O' in the word 'TOP' is a coin and you turn it 90 degrees about an imaginary vertical axis, looking at it edge on, it would look like this ' I ', or the letter " I ".(eye)

The word 'TOP' now becomes 'TIP', which is what the author is giving us, a TIP, although that could have been the meaning back then, more likely it meant  to tilt or turn such as in "tip one's hat".

2 piece " T "


4r - B

                     Symbol '4' = "F"


Now looking at the main image above, if you cover over the top 3 branches, what's below looks like a hand with fingers.  The three branches you covered might have something to do with the symbol ' C\ ' (ascii code 97), but we'll talk more about that later.   Three of the fingers on that hand are sort of pointing towards the upper right corner of the page.  Does anyone want to bet that they're pointing to the page number '4' in the corner?  And why is that?  Probably because the '4' is one of the symbols found throughout the pages of the manuscript and that it is significant because it's one part of a clue that's somewhere on this page.

Can you find it before I tell you what it is?

Now refer to the (third) image above.  This branch lies directly under the "4" in the upper corner. (ascii code 52, for the scientists in the room)

Again, use a little imagination, and visualize that the white pedals could be construed as fingers holding a round object.  I perceive only three fingers are visible because the other two are behind the object. The index finger is also pointing straight up to the corner of the page.  On the back of this hand the letter 'F' is clearly written.  I will skip ahead a little and tell you that I have had some success decoding sections of several different pages in the Manuscript, and I'm fairly certain, that the letter "F" is the baseline translation for the symbol '4'.  They fit together nicely as the letter "F" is the first letter of, and same sound as, the word "Four".

I would offer one more observation within this image, that the round object, held in the hand, with the smaller round object touching it, probably represents the Earth and the Moon.  I haven't seen any other flowers in this book, the same as this one.  The illustration of a plant supporting a miniaturized Earth, shows another side of the author's imagination.  Later, I will show you another example of this, in the reverse, when we take a look at one of the foldouts in the center of the manuscript. 

Another interesting thing on this page is the way the page number 4 is drawn as a cross hair, the small circle above it to the right is drawn in, but actually starts off on page 1, as a hole through the page and continues through pages 2 and 3.  I believe the '4' and the dot also represent the Earth and the Moon.

There are many pages that have holes through them, I would assume that they were put there to lead us to more clues about the Cipher.  The clue in this corner of the page is most likely the group of symbols (or word) in the upper right corner, that looks like "gMOg".  Again, I have to skip ahead a little, if you study the symbols across the pages, most of the time you will find the symbol that looks like a 'g', (ascii 57) is at the end of a word, sometimes it's at the beginning of a word and once in a while it's at both ends. I think one of its functions is to denote the end of a word.  So, if it is at the beginning of a word, then the word runs backwards.  And if it's at both ends, then the word is sort of like a palindrome. It runs in both directions. 

I will go into more detail, after I have introduced the rest of the symbols.  But for now, like the theory people once believed that the earth was flat, until it was replaced by a better theory.  I will propose that the symbols "gMOg" equals the word "MOON".

Let's look at one more interesting feature on this page before we move on. (Image 4r-d, left, below) First, this branch draws attention to itself because it doesn't have the Earth-moon flower at the end of it.  And second it has an odd leaf pattern at its end. It consists of one group of leaves, then a space, and then three groups of leaves bunched together.  "X_XXX" 

I believe there is something significant about the 3/1 symbol grouping.  It appears on several other pages in different forms.  One possibility I thought of was perhaps what this is telling us is that some three letter words are connected to the last letter of the previous word.  Which changes it into a four-letter word.  Although I haven't seen any examples of this yet.

Another possibility is that it has to do with specifically four-letter words where one letter is a direct one for one translation, but the other three symbols work together.

Or perhaps it represents the earth and the moon.  Looking again at image 4r-d, the earth-moon looking flower is very close to the single leaf, maybe they are the same, connected by gravity, in orbit around the larger body.  

I think we might see a translated example a little later on, when we study the images at the top of page 77r.

One last thought on this page, is the main stem that goes up and has five flowers at the top of it and three flowers a little further down.  There is probably a hidden meaning there, but I am not sure what it is yet, so I will leave it for you to figure out.

Let's jump to page 3v and look at another example of this pattern.

4r -D

            4r -d

Page 3v

So, if we look at page 3v (above) there are four leaves on the right side, and somehow, they happen to have tails. The tails on the bottom two leaves cross over each other, (ref 3 images, below), while the tails of the top three leaves are connected. Which again gives us the pattern; X_XXX.

Other points of interest on this page are the two leaves on the left side of the plant whose tails aren't connected, and the funky looking roots at the bottom of the page, with the curl on the end.  I'll come back to those.

Another thing worth mentioning, I believe there are short groups of symbols that are used as abbreviations, for example 2nd row from the bottom. Three symbols, looks like 'gMg'.  Possibly a palindrome, could be the word "MANY", (MM's), although, unconfirmed as of yet.  As you will see there are a lot of quirky things in this manuscript, that are all hints and clues, given to us by the author.

Next, in the roots, on the page 22v, below, contain possibly another example of the pattern X_XXX.  

Roots right side

Roots left side

Page 22v

Look at the spacing of the white discs in the image above (Roots right side), the bottom root shows one disc followed by a space and then three discs together.

Assuming the discs represent letters in a word, the other roots possibly show words of different lengths and how they function, also.

It's not totally clear what it represents exactly, but it looks like an important clue.  Just speculation, looking just above the bottom roots seems to be a possible reference to the letter 'm', could mean it applies to one of the Figurine control symbols.  (We have yet to learn about.)

I believe the words are treated like celestial bodies.  They have orbits.  Some Clockwise, and some Counterclockwise.  A letter at the end of a word can rotate around to the beginning of a word depending on what control characters are present. 

That's another possibility for the symbols, like wisps, at the end of words function could be, which matches to some degree the tails on the roots in image 22v, above, but unprovable at the moment.

Page 2r

Page 2r, there are several interesting things on this page, but I'm mostly interested in showing you the clues in the root area. I'll just touch upon the others briefly.  (Top, left image) There are what look like three snakes' heads, with flames coming out of their mouths, in the shapes of hands and fingers. The right snake points to the page # 2 in the corner and three holes, one of which looks like the moon. Couple of possibilities here.  Could be the Sun, Moon, And Earth, possibly showing a solar eclipse and / or shadow light. Also, could be the Earth, Moon, and Heaven.

The middle snake looks to split the page into two halves, and the left snake could be pointing specifically, to several words on the top row.  This also happens, quite a bit, throughout the book.  Possibly, could also be referring to the Figurine control symbols how they can go straight and stay themselves, turn left into a different letter, or right into another letter.

Another possibility is the upward directions and angles of the snakes combined with the shadow light or moon light could be referencing the two states of the symbol 'x'. We'll cover in more detail later, but it suggests that depending on the angle of the shadow of the 'x', translations could be lateral or upside down.  

Even the green leaves, have the appearance of hands, with five fingers.  The finger patterns are similar on each half of the image, but different from one half to the other, including the one that points to the upper right corner of the page.

So, if we look at the roots of this plant, (above, left bottom image) I'll show you two important concepts.  

Some of the symbols seem to have both Masculine and Feminine versions of themselves. Masculine traits are represented by straight lines, while Feminine traits are represented by curved lines. 

So, if we look at the right side of the roots, we see what almost looks like a letter 'G'.

The outer line is curved, and the inner lines are curved in our letter 'G'.

Now, imagine if we could rotate that letter 'G' around to the left side of the plant and it was automatically transformed into the Masculine version. If we examine the left side of the roots, you can see the line work is a little more vertical and horizontal, especially in the inner lines, the outer line is a little straighter, but not by much.  Perhaps the author did not want to give away the clues too easily. 

But I have seen this trait more than a few times throughout the pages.

The next piece of information is very significant, because it's what started me thinking about how to transform the symbols into English letters.

Again, looking at the root section, look at the part of the roots that look like two legs with buckling knees. It gives the sense that the weight of the world is pressing down on this plant.

So, what if we pretend to remove that weight and straighten out the curved lines?  Perhaps it is gravity pressing down on the plant.

I applied this technique to some of the symbols, plus simple physical manipulation to the rest and this is what I got.

I drew a centerline, (refer to image above) and starting with the first symbol (ascii 35), I copied the horizontal line above the C's onto my centerline. Then I straightened the C's and placed them as legs under my center-line, and then copied the top arc from the symbol to just above my center-line, making the letter 'A'.

The next symbol that looks like the number '8', remembering the words "TOP" and "TIP" from page 4r, if we flip the top circle of the '8' about a horizontal axis, and the bottom circle of the '8' about a vertical axis, it gives us the letter 'T'.

The next symbol that looks like the letter 'C', can remain the letter 'C' or if we copy and rotate it about my centerline, then it becomes the letter 'S'.

Next symbol 'CC' with a line across the top (ascii 49), if we straighten the C's into two vertical lines and slide the horizontal line above the C's down to the middle, we get the letter 'H', and if we turn that 90 degrees then we can make the letter ' I ' (eye), also.

Also, in theory if you have two C's and you mirror one and put them together, you could make the letter 'O'.  And possibly do this in the reverse also, to make two C's from an 'O'.

(UPDATE) It's possible that the symbol 'O' can split down the middle, '( )' and slide up and down to make an "S".

In this section, (above image) there are three groups made up of two symbols each, that are commonly seen throughout the pages: O2, O8, and OX.

Looking at the first group, I will continue my theory.  The symbol '2' (ascii 121) can represent four different letters (P, R, T, Y) depending on what angle the 'O' is turned. The options are 0 degrees, 45 degrees, 90 degrees, and 135 degrees.  It fills in part of the symbol '2', to make the appropriate letter.  What determines what angle is used, will be covered later.

Can you relate these angles to the picture I showed you in the beginning, page 16v?  There will be a quiz, later.

'The 'O8' is straight forward for the moment, the baseline letter for the '8' is 'T', so this can be 'OT'.

The third group, 'OX', the 'X' can be manipulated into the letter 'W'.  There are more possibilities, I will cover them in more detail later.


Chapter Two: Dance Fever.

Next, I will introduce to you the symbols that control which letters the symbols turn into.

Refer to the four images below.  At least one of these four symbols are present in most of the word groups throughout the pages of the Manuscript.  These four symbols as commonly referred to as gallows glyphs by everyone except me.  I refer to them by a different name.

If you look at them collectively, you can see similarities between the symbols.

Understanding how this group of symbols work, is a major key to decoding the text.  Let's look at the first image (above, left). If you scout around the pages, you will find symbols that are like this one.  And if it's drawn cleanly, and you zoom up close, you will see the same features that are in this image.  Specifically, that the left top corner and right top corner are different. On the left is a triangular shape, and on the right, a circular shape.

I studied these four symbols for a couple of weeks before it hit me.  What if, what we are looking at is two people, drawn as stick figures?  The man on the left with a triangular face and the woman on the right with a circular face.  Looking at the two figurines from the side we can see their heads, bodies, and legs. They are looking at each other. Their arms are connected at shoulder height.  These four symbols are related somehow.  I stared at them for a while, and then the words "ballroom dancing" popped into my head.

Let's follow this path and see if we can find a few more pieces of evidence to support this theory.  

In the first image they're facing each other, both people's feet are on the ground, their arms are connected at shoulder level.

In the second image above, the woman's leg, or legs, are up in the air.  I can imagine some kind of spinning dance move.  This image fits in with the "ballroom dancing" theory.

Now, let's look at the third image (above).  This image confused me at first.  I can see the woman's body and the man's body.  But where is his face?  Why is his head missing?  Can you explain it?

I stared at this for a while, and then realized that his head is not missing.  The reason you cannot see his face is because his head is turned to the side, ninety degrees.  Now this is getting interesting.  Of course, the last figurine combines the traits of the other two, the woman's legs in the air and the man's turned head, to create four unique combinations.

Also, I would suggest that the dance move resembles a dance of a slightly later time period, called "La Volte".  Supposedly popular with Queen Elizabeth I, the dance at the time was considered Risqué.  Supposedly has its origins in Italy.

In other literature it was suggested that the Queen never danced it, but rather it was depicted that way in some paintings, by possible enemies of the Queen.  The church also had mixed views on close contact dancing.  The “Volta” dance was based around the Galliard, a 6-step dance, and where the 5th step was the person being raised into the air, “1 2 3 4 _ 6”.  It is said to be the predecessor of the waltz.

It's interesting how someone's imagination in the 1400's came up with these control characters using two people in close contact dancing, with the man's head turning and woman's leg's lifting to generate the four related symbols.

You can find examples of the "La Volte" dance online or try this link.

Dance The Volta - Bing video 

Let's continue onto page 57v and look at more supporting evidence.

This is the first page to not contain a flower, after 111 images of flowers.

Even the number 111 might not be coincidental.

     Page 57v

This page shows four people in the middle of four rings of symbols.  Perhaps this is an after party or intermission, after 111 performances.  Many theories are possible.  In any case, we can also find on this page, another example to support our theory about "ballroom" type dancing.

If you start in the middle of the picture and then move your eyes to the left until you get to, the next to the last outer ring, you will see this symbol. (Above left.)

It looks similar to our other figurine type symbols, with the man on the left possibly spinning the woman around in a circle three times.

It almost resembles the letter 'K', but I haven't found any yet in the actual text.

I think a lot of the symbols in this section are related to, the choreography of ballroom dancing.

I found a document, online, under the name Friedrich Albert Zorn, a German choreographer.  The diagram labeled "The Cachucha" has some similar looking symbols as the manuscript. It's dated to be from 1905. I don't know if these types of dance symols originated from hundreds of years earlier.  The one referring to a body at rest is particularly interesting.

Zorn Cachucha - Cachucha - Wikipedia 

Image (below, left) shows possible connections to dance choreography for the symbols '2' and '8'.

Symbols 2 and 8, coincidental

Door frame symbol- a body at rest, not in motion.

Page 72v, partial, "scales"

The middle image above, also shows a symbol that looks like a door frame, I believe it refers to a body at rest or not in motion.  This symbol seems to appear behind written words on several pages.  I don't want to go off subject, but I thought it was worth mentioning.  Reference images 72v and 73r above and below.

Page 72v, partial, "Proposing"

         Page 73r, "munchers"

Back to the subject, if we turn a page back, from 57v, to Page 57r, this is the last page of 111 with images of flowers.

We can find on this page more evidence to support the Ballroom dancing theory.  If we zoom into the last symbols on the bottom right of page, we can see what looks like a symbol representing the performers' Final Bow.  First, they look at each other, then take their bows, (see images below).

Also below, is a leaf on a plant from page 9r, which also resembles the same "Final Bow" position, the man is standing straight, and the woman is horizontal with one leg in the air.

Page 9r, also contains other interesting items, we'll take a closer look at, later on. 

The middle image below, shows words that come after the final bow, possibly containing some closing remarks.  The symbols "808", is possibly the spelling for the word "God".  We'll see more examples later on.  The 2nd '8' is the masculine version of the symbol '8', with the straight line on the bottom half.

 Final bow

Several words after Final bow.

Page 9r

Page 57r

Below are two more examples of dancing and choreography.  At the top of page 42v is possibly the flow of a dance pattern around the floor.  Next to that image below is the roots of plant made to look like the silhouette of a dancer, you can see the head and arms, and the legs in a split leaping or stretching position.

Page 42v

                  Page 15r roots

So, hopefully by now you're as convinced as I am about the "Dance Figurines" representing a man and a woman ballroom dancing. The next question is how do they fit into the translation process?  Let's take what we learned so far and apply it. I came across a page, 78r, and noticed that there were a lot of symbols that matched the ones I had guessed at by straightening, twisting, and turning. (Again, image below.)

Page 78r

Let's start with the simplest letters, A, C, H, I, O, S, and T, and add the 'F' from page '4'. Let's apply them to page 78r. (above, and below)

I'm going to skip some of my trial-and-error steps, and let's assume that the symbol 'g' (ascii 121), at the end of some words, is not part of the word itself but possibly denotes the end of a gravitational force.  Also, let's assume that the four dance figurines, each have their own set of rules and play a critical role as to how a word, they appear in, gets translated.

_ASTOR   ACT  FO_IST  FO___  _  FO_OW  O_

FO___T  FO___  ___  _IST  O___R  OW___  T___


These are the first 3 lines from Page 78r (image below).  Let's look at the single symbol '8' on the first row (fifth word in).  **Don't count the 'g'. ** It should likely be an "A" or an " I ".  If we manipulate the two circles on the '8' both horizontally, we get a long straight line, ' l ' that could be the letter " I " (eye).

 Also, what if we have a 'c' and an '8' next to each other?  This combo appears in several places on this page, below.  If we combine the 'c' and '8', 'c8', it looks like this: 'cl' .  Could that be the letter 'd'?

Let's apply these new letters.


FO___T  FO__d  __d  _IST  O___R  OW_??  T___


Remember our four dance figurines?  I rearranged them slightly, and labeled them Figurine1, 2, 3, and 4.

At this point, we use a little trial and error and make some educated guesses about the first three figurines.

The letter 'M' is a good fit for figurine1, and the letter 'N' for figurine2.   The letters represented by the figurines are not etched in stone, they can be changed depending on what symbols are around them.  Also, an "S" for figurine3, you will see why in a minute.

I refer to these starting positions as their baseline letters.  These figurine translations could also be referred to as "FIRST ORDER" translations.

It's interesting that there might be a different level of difficulty associated with each figurine.  The translations I have been able to figure out so far, seem to be associated mostly with the first two figurines. The third figurine, only a few, and the last figurine almost nothing.

Looking at the figurines, they exhibit the same characteristics. In the first one the man and woman are in sync looking at each other, in the second a little difficulty is added by them looking in different directions. In the third, even more difficult dancing with the woman's legs up in the air.  And the fourth being the most difficult of all.

Figurine1 = M

Figurine2 = N

Figurine3 = S

Figurine4 =


FO___T  FO__D  __D  MIST  O___R  OWN??  T___


Also, let's look at line 7, (from above)


As we logically fill in the blanks, we're starting to see words forming.  By adding the figurines, we add the words "MASTER" (the misspelling will be explained shortly), "MIST", and "NOT".  Now, (looking at image, below) we see a 2-symbol combination.  (From the first word in the third line down, on page 78r above.)  If we look at each piece separately, the C's we said could be an "H", or an "I" turned 90 degrees.  The figurine where the man's head is turned 90 degrees, could have some influence on the orientation of the letter being an "I" (eye).

There's a page 15v, (not illustrated) that shows four flowers with tails coming off of each one.  Three are going in the same direction but one is going in the opposite direction.  Could this drawing represent the four Figurines and be showing us how one Figurine works in the opposite direction of the other three?

The previously assigned letter "N" as the baseline for figurine2 seems to fit, as well.  The two combined symbols yield the word "IN" and is also backed up visually as the figurine is seen as being "INSIDE" of the letter C's.  Just another clue, that we are on the right path.

Again, lets apply the changes. we pick up two new words, FIND, the first word in line seven, and HINT, near the middle of line three.


FO__T  FO__D  ____D  MIST  O____R  OWN??  T____


And from line 7,(above)


As we keep filling in the blanks, a couple of things to keep in mind is that to be able to represent almost an entire dictionary of words, with a handful of symbols, there's going to be some words that aren't an exact match.  I would expect to see some words that are spelled wrong, but sound phonetically correct.  Also, where this is a substitution cipher, any word could be represented by any group of symbols.

At this point it's easy to guess at a few of the unknown words, and then reverse engineer them.  Also, we need to figure out the correct "ORDER OF OPERATIONS", as well.  Same as in math, if the problem was 2 + 3 x 4, depending on which operation is performed first, will make a difference, and only one way is correct.  If certain symbols interact with each other to form different letters, which ones we process first, will have an effect on the solution, but we don't have anything to go by, so we will have to figure it out as we go along.

The next words we will plug in, are "FOOD", "FOOT", and "FOLLOW".

4   O (figurine2)   C8 = F  OO  D

4   O (figurine2) CC   8 = F  OOO  T

4   O (figurine2) O   X =  F  OLLO  W

Let's study these 3 words and introduce a new concept.  A letter "O" before or after a figurine can act like a dial and CHANGE THE BASELINE LETTER, forward or backwards to the next or previous letter in the alphabet.  (One symbol can be influenced by another symbol, almost like in Astrology, where the moon or planets can influence a change in someone's mood because of its gravitational pull, supposedly.)

Secondly, in this concept, the figurine where the man's head is turned 90 degrees, (ascii 104) might work in reverse, such that an "O" before the figurine would advance the baseline and NOT reverse it.

Let's start by studying the word "FOOD", the "4" becomes the "F", the "C8" becomes the "D", the "O" advances the baseline "N" of figurine2, to "O", advancing it because of the "head turn", which produces the 2nd "O", and the original "O" becomes the 1st "O".

What does "RID NOT FOOD HINT" mean?  My interpretation is that that the symbol 'O' that's before the Figurine is used twice, it's used as the first "O" in "FOOD" then it combines with the Figurine to make the second "O" in "FOOD".  The hint is given to us because it will probably be used in many places and possibly apply to other symbols as well.

If you refer to Page 13v (not illustrated), the picture might be a clue of the same reference.  The left side of the plant could represent a Figurine symbol, the woman's curved arms appear like hooks, and on the right side she's using those hooks to attach to the next flower, (or symbol).

Next, let's look at the word "FOOT", the "4" becomes the "F", the "8" becomes the "T", the "O" advances the baseline "N" of figurine2, to "O", advancing it because of the "head turn", which produces the 2nd "O", and the original "O" becomes the 1st "O". Now, what about the "CC"? Not having a lot of samples to go by, I would suspect that the "8" directly next to the figurine would cause an undesired interaction.  If an "O" was used instead of the "CC's" then it might trigger the "OLLO" case in the next example. If the "CC's" are indirectly an "O" then maybe the translation is "FOOOT", which is phonetically correct.

The word can be spelled anyway they chose to spell it, as long as it's unambiguous.  A few examples of English words that are not pronounced exactly as they are written would be words like "Wednesday" and "Answer".

The next word "FOLLOW", is slightly different from the other words, it can best be described as a "SECOND ORDER" translation. Three symbols combine to form a new group, an "O" before and after figurine2, yields "OLLO".

Also, the third word in on the first line, if we apply the "O" that's before figurine3 or the baseline letter "S", the "S" could rewind one letter, and become an "R", which would yield the word "FORIST", and is phonetically close to "FOREST".

Apply the new words;


FOOT  FOOD  __D  MIST  O___R  OWN??  T___


And line 7, (above)


Also look at line 5, the word "FOOD" is repeated 4 times.


So, it's probable that this page is like a self-help page, showing examples of how the system works, in the form of a tongue twister.

Other possibilities to consider is that the women we see in the two group pictures on this page could be like "pockets of information", and the "MIST" possibly refers to gibberish on the entire page except for the two coherent sections we found.  As the "FOREST FOOD" we are following, gets away.  The word "FOOD" repeats in several places down the page.  This theory is unconfirmable currently but keep it in the back of your mind as you study the pages on your own.

In any case, I would consider anywhere that two identical words are side by side, or within close proximity to each other, an area of some pattern, beyond coincidence, to be studied further.

Also, the symbols we translated on the first line, "ACT", also appear on line 2, and twice on line 6.

It's unlikely that the word "ACT" is the same word in all four places.  

If we look closely, one difference between the first case and the other three is the lack of the "g" symbol at the end of the previous word, maybe the influence of the figurine in the first word stays in effect until replaced by a new figurine or end of gravity symbol 'g'?  The best translation for the second case is the word "HID".

Before we analyze the rest of the sentence, we need to introduce a new symbol, the symbol "a", and also take a closer look at the symbol "X".

(UPDATE) Since finding the words WATER and WATEROR (noted in Chapter 14) it seems that in the 'O2' combo, possibly because of the masculine form of the symbol '2', that the 'O' should translate into the "masculine looking" letter "E".  We now have several examples of this "ER" translation which could be applied to the words "MASTER" and "OVER".

Chapter Three: The Birds and the Bees.

Let's start by looking at the symbol 'a', ( C\ ), (ascii 97 ) and if you look closely at one, I believe it's really made up of two smaller symbols, a "C", and a "\", which, again I'll ask you to keep an open mind.  I believe it to be a representation of a man's and woman's sexuality, and together they represent a powerful force, an attraction between two people, the power of LOVE, ' C\ ' .  Now refer to Page 10r, (below), on this page there's an unusual looking flower that has blue arrows pointing to its center, as if to say, "Look in here", and nearby is what appears to be the number 72, in green.  The 7 is a little easier to see than the 2, but if you zoom in or out a little, it might help.

So, let's follow this to page72v (below).

Page 10r

There are holes cut through pages, throughout this book, and most likely they lead to important clues and information.

On page 72v, we can find a large hole through the page, and what is dead center on the page below it?  A woman's groin area.

The artist is showing off their drawing skills.  The woman through the hole, if looked at on the full page, underneath, is standing on her feet, with her hand at her waist.  Looking through the hole, now at a 90-degree angle, she appears to be lying face down, with her arm reaching back between her butt cheeks and there is a hand with possibly a thumb or other item being inserted.

Hopefully, I'm not the only one that can see this.

The roundness, or curve, of the "C" symbol, is a feminine reference, while the straight as an arrow, backslash "\" is a masculine reference.

We saw another reference to masculine / feminine on Page 2r, before, remember?  I am sure we will see more.

Page72v - Woman thru the hole

Below, is the view through the hole of the woman and then, if you look through the hole in the other direction.

The woman through the hole.

The view from the other side.

So, that concludes our discussion of the symbol 'a', ' C\ ', for the moment, we'll talk more about it in chapter 5.  But for now, let's continue on to page 65v, and explore the symbol 'X'.

Chapter Four: The Shadow Through the Trees.

The resemblance to the symbol 'X' (ascii 108), in this image below should be fairly obvious.  The branches in the middle of the tree, especially the center one is pretty much an exact match.  The branches above and below the center one possibly show the masculine / feminine versions of the symbol, one more rounded and the other more flat across.  There's another branch to the left where there's a hook on the end, but it's not colored in.   If you study some of these 'X' symbols throughout the actual pages of the Manuscript, you will see another aspect, and that is, that the line coming from the top right to the bottom left appears at two distinct angles, and only about a 15-degree difference between the two.  

    Page 65v

If we assume the 'X' from the tree, represents the earth, then the 'OX' pair might represent the Sun and the Earth.  

Below we see a page (68r) with what I believe is two parts of the same sun.  The one on top giving off direct light, the kind that you might experience at noon time, and the one below giving off reflected or shadow type energy, like the kind you would find in the late afternoon, just before dusk, say. You can also see the face on the sun, is at two different angles, both looking back at you standing on the earth, but from different angles.  Also notice the cooler shadow temperature as a blue color, the bottom one gives off.

The light shining through the trees at noon time, would produce a shorter, more vertical type shadow on the ground, whereas the light shining through the trees closer to dusk, would produce a more elongated horizontal type of shadow on the ground.

I think that these pages are related, and this is where the two types of "X's" come from, with the two different angles.

Page 68r

Below is the plant from page 7v.  I think this is also related to the symbol 'X'.  It has two discolored leaves, possibly browned by the Sun.  The two leaves are at two different angles, one pointing straight up and the other at a slight angle.  This matches the two sweeping shadows we've seen with the symbol 'X'. Also, there is a hook at the bottom that also matches the tree branch from page 65v.  If you flipped it over and dangled it by the hook end, the angles would match the two possible shadows at high noon and sunset.

Page 7v

The image below is from page 18v, which is a very special page, that we will explore in more detail later, but I want to show you an example of how the two different X's might behave.  Look at the middle line below, I believe it reads "HIT bOTTOM THEN FOLLOW THEIR ONE".   

The word "FOLLOW" from the paragraph we looked at before at the beginning of page 78r (image below, right), symbols "40(figurine2)0X" is an exact match to the 2nd occurrence of that group of symbols in the middle line below.  Notice the sweeping 'X' symbol, it also has the same orientation.  

Compare the 1st occurrence of that group to the 2nd occurrence in the middle line below.  They each have the same symbols in the same order, with the exception of the symbol 'X', which in this version of the word, is more vertical, and not as sweeping as the 'X' in the other occurrence.  I believe that this slight difference makes this word a completely different word.  A good fit for the 1st occurrence, is the word "bOTTOM", and we arrive at this by inversion.

Let's break it down, the 1st symbol '4' in the 2nd word is the letter "F", but if we rotate the '4' 180 degrees, it becomes a "b".  The two "LL"'s if you shift the bottom line, and rotate it 180 degrees, they become "TT"'s, and the "W", rotated 180 degrees becomes an "M".

Interesting and little diabolical at the same time. 

 (Look back at the word "TOP" from page 4r, and look at the "T", upside down, the way it's drawn almost looks like an "L".)

Page 18v

Page 78r

Let's go back to page 78r for a moment, look again at the small image above, right.  The word on the 2nd line, "0X(figurine2)C8g", is our word "OWND" from our previous, partially translated paragraph.  If we take the "D" at the end of the word and spin it around to the front of the word, it becomes "DOWN", also if we spin just the "8" symbol at the end of the word around we would get "TOWNS".  The partial phrase could also be "MIST OVER TOWNS".  Either way, the "0X" Sun-Earth combo possibly exerts a gravitational pull on the end letter and spins it around to the front of the word.  But only when it appears before the figurine symbol, otherwise at the end of a word it is just an "OW" or an "OM".   Let's add that to the list of current theories.

Chapter Five: Heaven and Earth.

Next, let's explore page 1r, (below), at a glance we can find some unusual things on this page.  One, is what looks like birds on the left side of the page, and on the right side at the top, the page number "1" looks like an arrow pointing upwards.  Under that there are holes that go through the page, some of them go all the way through to page 4.  

At the top right corner under the page number, we see in two places, a smaller hole next to a larger hole.  We see images of the moon associated with the top two holes, which I think represents the Earth and the Moon.  The other hole pair under that one looks like the Earth, Moon, and Heaven.  Remember our symbol "C\", the  female and male reproductive organs together, I think it is related to the symbol for Heaven, except that now the male and female symbols are not facing each other.  I guess there is no intimacy allowed in Heaven.

A quick reference to the image of page 11v (below, left). This could be the word "HEAVEN", spelled "HEVEN" with the symbols "a" and "2" on top of each other, looks slightly similar to our heaven symbol where the male and female components are not facing each other, although not conclusive at this time.

The "H" would be represented by "/CC", the rest "OXOX" is not as clear, the linework in the symbol "X", could be manipulated to represent a "V" or an "N".  It's not 100% logical, but a word can be spelled anyway as long as it's unique.   It's possible that it follows a visually accurate description, where it looks "even" or "balanced", because of the 'OXOX' repeating pattern.  There are modern words that hold to the same level of illogic, such as the words "Wednesday" or "Answer".  They are not spelled logically, the same way that they sound when spoken.

After some experimentation, I have come to the conclusion that our symbol "C\" has the translation of "HE", for the most part, I'm not sure if it derived from the word Heaven, it's also possible that it represents the letter "a" in some places.  But, as you will see either translation fits very well as we decode the rest of page 78r (below), as well as text on other pages.  The symbol "C\" could also have a second purpose, such as a filler (only a theory at the moment), that when placed between two symbols that would react together, the symbol "C\" might stop the reaction and act like a silent letter.  A hypothetical example of this would be if let's say the symbols "c" and "8" were side by side.  they could join together and form the letter "d".  But if the symbol "C\" was placed in between the "c" and "8", then the symbol "c" would translate into an "S" and the "8" a "T".

Also, in the vicinity of the Heaven symbol, you can see some letters of the alphabet, "a", "b", "c", "d", and "e" which is a little funky looking, and farther down, "o", "p", and "q".  My thought is that they are part of the original manuscript, but the manuscript changed hands, so many times, it's hard to say for certain.

In that same area on the right, there are vertical slots in the paper, in the middle of one slot there is a visible hole in the page below that shows in the slot.  slightly under the slots is a larger hole.  The larger hole and smaller hole could be the Earth / Moon again.  Not sure what the slots represent, I could take a guess and say that it shows the path of the moon as it rotates around the Earth, it disappears as it travels behind the Earth from our vantage point.

Let's take another look at the birds, I don't know what their purpose is, but is it possible they give some insight as to how the translation works?  What if they represent letters, the top bird looks like the letter "V" and the bottom bird, the letter "U".  Is the swirl between them another bird at an angle or is it showing a rotation between the two birds?  Also, upside down it looks like the letter "T".

Even the wingtips from the right side to the left side are slightly different.   Could they be showing the masculine / feminine differences we've seen before?

Two other things of things of interest, the stand-alone words at the end of each paragraph, and the possible word "God", three lines up from the end of the first paragraph, the symbol group "8g8g8".  If we rotate the "8"'s vertically, they could be "l's" or "1's", hence the number "111".  We'll see another example of the word "God" on Page 18v.

Page 1r

Page 11v


Let's apply our new finds to our old paragraph, reference page 78r, below;


FOOT  FOOD  __D  MIST  O__??R  OWN??  THE__


The few remaining unsolved translations are not 100% reliable, but they're close.  For 9/cc c 8, I used the word "HID".  The extra symbol '9' above the connected c's is the problem, if that wasn't there then the translation would be straight forward.  The C's could turn into 'HI' and the 'c8' would be the 'd', which yields "HID".  We can only speculate why this is.  Possibly it's a simple typo, or maybe the Figurine2, in the previous word affects it.

The next incomplete word I see as being either the word "OTHER" or "OVER".  The 'O' and 'R' are straight forward.  'C\' could be "HE" or "A".  The letters "T" or "V" are the mystery.  If you flip the dance figurine upside down, it could look like a "V".

The next incomplete word looks like "THEN".  The '8' is the 'T', the 'a' is the 'HE', and the last symbol is unclear.  It could be a masculine '8' or a '2' with the tail wisp starting from end of the top curve in the letter '2', or it could be Figurine2, drawn at a slight angle and the left leg cut off to accommodate the tail.  Which could make it a baseline 'N'.  I went with the last option.

One last note, the word "DOWN" is written as "OWND", if the last two symbols join then we have a "D" which is made from 'c' and '8'.  If the two symbols are not combined then they yield 'S' and 'T', respectively.  That yields "OWNST".  Then apply the same rotation of the last letter, and we get "TOWNS".

If we put it all together, we get:




(line 5) ????? ???? FOOD FOOD THEN FOOD FOOD




(line 5) ????? ???? FOOD FOOD THEN FOOD FOOD


Chapter Six: Congratulations, You Found God.

Let's continue on to page 18v.  I have a feeling that this is a very special page.  If you were to look specifically at all of the figurine symbols on this page, what interesting fact would be revealed?  Take a minute to look them over and count them up.

Only three of the four figurines actually appear on this page, and out of those, figurine #3 only appears once.  If you look three lines up from the bottom, on the left side, you will see the only figurine #3 being used in a word.

Refer to image below, top left.

Similar to the two superimposed symbols that made the word "IN" previously, the word "SIN" would be a logical choice for this group of symbols.  Also, if you look to the bottom right of the word, a BLUE STAR appears on top of the symbol "4", to mark the spot.  There might even be a flag on top of the star, but it is difficult to see, because it's somewhat worn off.  It would have to be a word of some importance to be highlighted like that.  What theory can we come up with to explain the transformation of these symbols?  There can be more than one, but let's start with this.

If we assign the letter "S" to figurine #3 as its baseline value, this letter would be the first letter in the word "SIN".   The "I" would be represented by the two "CC's", leaving the "O" to represent the letter "N".  It's a little coincidental that "O" and "N" are next to each other in the English Alphabet.  Perhaps, this is another clue with a more general application, although I haven't studied it in detail yet.

Next, let's look at the two words just before the word "SIN", the word just before looks like the word "A", and before that, I see the word "NEVER".   The baseline of figure #1 is "M", the "o" that follows, changes it to an "N".  The first "ox" is similar to the "V" in the word "heaven" or "HEVEN" we saw previously.  The second "ox" is now "ER".  Notice that the "X's" are slightly different, the first points more to the left, and the second points more downward.  Also, this word has a figurine in it, whereas the word "heaven" didn't.  Even if the word "heaven" referenced the figurine in an adjacent word, it would have been figurine #2.  Each figurine can have its own set of rules.  Left to Right, a good fit for the three words is the phrase "NEVER A SIN".

      "NEVER A SIN"


A quick observation before we continue, if you look at this page as a whole, it almost seems like the letters "T" and "H" are built into the leaves, with the possibility of the letter "E", smaller at the top, facing upwards.  Not sure what that's about.

Continuing to the bottom of page 18v, (see image below), I filled in a few words, using the same patterns we currently know.  A few other possibilities, the word after "TO", could be "PRAY", but there is not enough information to say with any certainty.  We can see a few new words, such as "THEY", "WON", and "GOD", at the end.  Although, it is tough to say with 100% certainty until we see more examples.


NEVER A SIN,  xxxxxxx xx xxx xxxx

xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxxx SON, I 

xxxx xxxx THEY "WON" GOD


A few possibilities;

After SIN could be "PROPHET" backwards, but I would expect a 'g' before it, could also be "THEPOOR"

'88g' could be "TWO" or "TO"

after '88g', could be "MORN" or "MOURN" as a palindrome, although the extra space is weird.

beginning of next line could be "HONOR" (ONHOR)

Chapter Seven: A Lucky Find on a Leaf.


Page 1v

Page 1v, shows leaves of two different colors, green and light brown.  Notice that only leaves of OPPOSITE colors are overlapping, also in the upper left image the letters 'CH' appear on the bottom green leaf, one of two leaves, both the SAME color and in a straight line. 

 In previous lessons we learned that the letter 'H' is represented by the symbols CC with a line connecting the top of the C's.  

So the symbols C CC would represent 'C  H', the SAME green color leaves in a row represents the 3 C's, and the OPPOSITE colors touching should mean to flip them around, so then now;   CC C = 'CH'   in theory and in some situations. This theory is visually reinforced at the top of the flower, the 3 humps are the 3 C's pointing downward and the rainbow shaped line above them is the line connecting the first 2 C's.

There is a word on page 5r (below), that has the symbol group CC C at the beginning and at the end of a word. This could be the word CHURCH.  CC C 0 2 CC Cg, another possibility on page 6r is; CC C 0 C C C 2

Page 5r

Page 5r, also has another example of the letter "h" represented by the symbols 'CC' with a line connecting them.  You can see the C's in the leaves of the plant as well as the rainbow connecting the downward facing C's at the top of the plant, with the letter "h" in green.

The roots look like they have some clue to offer, but I don't know what that is at the moment, possibly something to do with the wisps at the end, or beginning, of a word.

Next (below) is a quick look at a page from Roger Bacon's work "Opus Majus" originally published in 1267.  This image looks like it's related to the study of optics.  My guess, the top image is about light passing through a prism.  It's interesting that some of the symbols on this image are similar to symbols found in the Voynich Manuscript.  Although it doesn't prove or disprove anything.  It's very coincidental.

File:Roger Bacon optics01.jpg - Wikimedia Commons 

Chapter Eight: How Thundering Rain is Made.

Next up, let's look at page 77r (below).

It illustrates some kind of water handling system, possibly the system, up in the sky, that controls the weather, The system has several different nozzles, for outputs.  There are several workers, one on each end of the tubing, the person on the right side is holding a small container, perhaps they are testing for water quality, or this is a learning station for us.  Before we attempt to apply our current translation theories to these codes along the top of the page, I want to briefly mention something from, The Book of Soyga, where it talks about First Order translations, and Second Order translations.  Up to this point we have been working with First Order translations, where one symbol translates into one letter, for example the four figurine symbols.  Now there appears to be groups of symbols that translate into groups of letters.  

Let's start with the nozzle that's just to the right of center.  It looks like a red cloud of smoke or mist; I think that the word "HOT" would be an appropriate description, looking first at what we know, and then at what's left.  The last two symbols could be a "OT", That leaves an "H" to be represented by an ( "O", figurine1 (M) ) .  You'll see the pattern in a minute.

Now let's look at the nozzle in the center.  It appears to have no discharge coming out of it, unlike the other nozzles.

If we apply our current theories, then the '2' symbol could be an "R", and the end, figurine2's baseline is an "N".  Which leaves ( "O", figurine1 (M) ), and an "O", at the beginning.  If we copy what we did for the previous nozzle, then we have a "HO" plus "R" plus "N" which gives us "HORN".   It's possible that "HORN" is a reference to "Thunder".  It looks like to me that the words are being kept childlike simple, to help us grasp the different concepts.

Before we breakdown the next nozzle to the right of "Hot", there are a few ways to approach this one. Refer to page 51r first, (not shown) there's a new clue in the roots, relating to the symbol '8', where if there are two of them, they swap positions.  What's on the left moves to the right, and what's on the right moves to the left.  Now looking at the nozzle, the symbol '8' at the beginning would be a "T".  We see in the middle of the word two C's, connected, could be an "H" and an "I".  the "8" symbol on the end, probably a "T", but possibly the two C's also turn into an "o" which could advance, or in this case possibly rewinds the "T", because it's before it, to an "S", which yields the word "THIS".  Then apply the SWAP and we get "SHIT".

Next, the nozzle to the left of "Horn", the "8" at the end would be a "T", the "C" before it could be an "S", which leaves the ( "O", figurine1 (M) ), at the beginning as "H", if we follow the other two examples.  Altogether, we have the abbreviation "HST" which could stand for "HaSTe".  There are other possibilities, but this seems the best fit.

The next nozzle to the left of "HaSTe", is a little trickier, but let's try it.  We see the "ox" symbols at the beginning, we currently believe that everything that follows it has to rotate around.  Also, the symbol at the end, looks like a feminine version of the "2" symbol, or like a backwards "S".  So, if we rotate from the figurine on, then we have figurine2 (N) followed by two C's connected, I believe that the man's head rotated reverses the translation, so "N" becomes an "M". the two C's connected becomes "I", the feminine "2" becomes an "S", and if the "ox" becomes an "OR", this yields "MISOR" or "MISER".  This description seems to fit the illustration of the nozzle with only a small amount of liquid, possibly, coming out of it.

Next word, on the right side, to the left of the person, the word starts with a feminine "2", then an "0", then a masculine "2" then an "a", and then an "x".  If we start with the 2nd symbol, we have an "O", third symbol turns into a "P", fourth symbol can be an "a", a "he" or an "e", fifth symbol can be an "N", and if we rotate the first symbol around and put it at the end, it would look like an "S", which yields "OPANS" or "OPHENS", or "OPENS". 

Next, let's look at the symbols at the top left of the page, I believe this group of symbols goes with the woman on the top left side.

Page 77r




HST or HaSTe

                 MISOR or MISER   (ERMIS)




Triangle on side of face

(See image above), I think it's her name, but also, I think there's a visual cue.  Let's see if we can translate this.  Starting with the first symbol "8" we translate into a "T", the symbol "a" becomes "HE", the symbol "2" becomes an "R", the two connected C's become an "I", the next symbol "8" starts as a "T" but the "C's" before it can combine into an "0", which then rolls the "T" backwards into an "S".  The next symbol "a" could be an "a" sound or an "HE" or silent, and the last symbol "2" into an "R", yields "THERESA".

Visually it looks like a machine rising into the air or carrying water vapor upward.

Next, on the right side or the page, we have a person holding what looks like a cup, the first three symbols of the word above his head spells "TOM".  Upon closer scrutiny we can see he doesn't have the breasts that the other people have, and his hair is slightly shorter.  One curious thing is the "8" symbol near the end of the word, that is filled in on the bottom.  Is it a simple bleeding over of the pen?  What if the next two symbols after "TOM" are "S" and "T"?  This would yield TOMS T, or TOMS Tea.  It would be interesting if someone examined the original manuscript and could tell us if that half-filled "8" was actually just ink or something else.

Chapter Nine: The Top and Bottom of the Food Chain.

Next, let's take a look at page 5v, (below).  If you lean back a little, it's easier to see, there appears to be a couple of letters built into the plant.  On the right side the letter "K", and to the left of center appears the letter "J".  Although the "J" is a little less clear than the "K", they follow alphabetically.  The next point of interest is the symbol "O", that is made from the branches, in between them.  As we keep searching this page for clues, we see towards the bottom on the left, leaves that resemble the symbol "4".  To further our understanding of how the figurines work as control characters, let's take a look near the bottom of this page and the way that the roots sort of reassemble an insect.  If we think about the top and bottom of the food chain, we should then expect to find people near the top of the page, and I think we can find the answer in the middle flowers at the top of the plant.  (See images below).  Take a close look at the red lines just above the circle made out of branches.  Think of the white flowers to the right and left of the main stem as hands, each hand has a palm and three fingers.  The red lines resemble figurine #3 with the woman's legs up in the air.  On the left, we can see the man's head, and legs on the ground, and the woman's legs out to the side, and possibly an arm superimposed, but the woman's head is covered by the palm of the flower.  On the right, we see the woman's head and legs, and the man's legs, and possibly an arm.  In the middle flower at the top, we can see both the man and the woman.  

Although I don't think that the "J" and "K" are significant on their own, I think that the lesson here is that they follow alphabetically, and also possibly that the "J" seems to be drawn with curves or a "feminine" style and the "K" more "masculine" with straight lines.  Remember the symbol "4" that equals the letter "F".  The placement of the "O" in the branches before or after the figurine at the top suggests that it can change the baseline letter of the figurine up or down by its placement.

Another interesting feature on this page is in the six lines of text at the top of the page.  This looks like a self-help page not written grammatically correct, but instead might read as an example; cat then hat then rat then fat.  "THEN" being one or both of the versions of '8aw' with a 45- or 90-degree hook at the end.

What looks like our word "HOT" from page 77r now on this page on the 4th line, 3rd word in.  Other words could be "GOT" or "NOT" or "NOR".  Also, the lesson could have something to do with word length and that 3 and 1 pattern.

Page 5v

Letter J

Letter K

Symbol "O"

Symbol "4"

Left and Right Flowers

Middle Flower

Chapter Ten: The Last Figurine.

Moving on, let's see if we can shed some light on the last figurine symbol, figurine4.

We might find a clue on page 28v.  Let's take a closer look.  My first impression of the plant on this page, is of two bodies coming together, like a union, and something new being created.  Zooming into the middle of that flower, you can clearly see a "U" shaped symbol and what looks like the numbers "41" next to it.

  Page 28v

That could be referencing page # 41 or, the curving line under the 4, could be showing how the man's head turns 90 degrees in the figurine stick figures.

There's a hole through this page.  If you follow it through, you end up on page 27v.  

The figurine at the top left of page 27v sort of has that "U" shape built into it, on an angle.  The left side of this page has nothing but our unknown figurine #4's repeated, with the man's head turned 90 degrees, and the woman's legs up.

Could be suggestive of another nursery rhyme, similar to "Forest Food I Follow on Foot", this time with "U"'s or "T"'s.

The roots contain another example of the fluidness of this puzzle.  If you rotate the piece 90 degrees, it changes from the letter "I" to the letter "H".  Could also be related to them following each other in the Alphabet.  Definitely another hint for the symbol '/CC' that we already know about.

Symbol matches figurine 4

poss. baseline "T" or "U"

"H" or "I" on a swivel, 90 degrees apart

Page 27v

Chapter Eleven: The Seed.

So, if we have a book filled with pictures of plants, one would think there might be a picture of a seed somewhere.  Take a close look at the large foldout in the middle of the book.  Remember the page that had the plant holding the miniaturized earth and moon.  I believe the image below is an enlarged cross-sectional view of a seed.  Picture a sphere sliced into nine cross sections, the middle slice being the largest is at the center with the other layers in a circle around it.  Each level is connected by pathways.  I imagine all of the genetic information for that plant is stored and organized somehow on each level.  In the upper right corner, is the outer most layer which contains a castle.  The castle could represent a secure entry and exit point for the information.

I have to wonder if there could be another angle to this foldout.  When viewed from the right distance, could it be the blueprint for decoding the symbols, or the order of precedence?   I can almost make out letters in the top center circle, and to the left of that, the symbol for a "body at rest", on its side in white.  Difficult to say.

Castle, upper right corner

Spiral, upper right corner

The lower left image above, has a spiral of words, the first few words are easily translated "2 NEED A STEP OR A CHAIR", the next word is “MOTHERS”, and to the left of mothers is a “g” turned sideways, undoubtedly made to look like a baby in a crib.  Two before the last word looks like the word "TOP" and then the word “RAN” spelled backwards.  It also has a “g” at both ends, possibly making it a palindrome, which then could become the word “RANNAR”, or “RUNNER”.

The translation is almost purposely easy, but our skill level is still that of a 5-year-old.

The last word on the inner most part of the spiral looks like someone's initials.  My best guess based on everything we know up to this point is only a partial translation, the initials R. ?. .  The other symbols could be symbolic for toe and heel, or first and last.

Maybe just a coincidence, but if we arrange the numbers that resemble the symbols '2', '4', and '8' by the descriptions, we might get "4 years old", "2 months old", and "8 years old", or 4/28. What famous person was born on April 28 from that time period?  Perhaps Edward lV, born in France on 04/28/1442 and died in England.

      2 NEED A STEP OR A CHAIR,      MOTHERS,                                                          RUNNER.                                      

There are some subtle changes from some of the individual translations we are familiar with.  in the word "NEED", for example, the letter "E" is represented by the symbol 'c', and the "d" is made from an 'o' and an '8', instead of the 'c' and '8' we have seen up to this point.  The only thing I can suggest is that it was either done out of necessity, to avoid a conflict with another word, or that the translations after the beginner level are more difficult and less familiar sounding.  But, as long as the spelling is unique, a word can be spelled any way that they want to spell it, provided that it is spelled the same way on other pages.   Also, the 'c' before the figurine in "CHAIR" might be a special case of "CH".  Remember, each figurine can have its own set of rules.

Below, page 56r.  The spiral looks similar to the spiral above.  I wonder if it's supposed to be like a subliminal message.  Notice that the leaves get larger near the end of the spiral.  This could signify that they have been around longer than the other leaves.  Which also relates to the other spiral's thoughts, older, wiser, more mature.

Page 56r

Here again is this image that we looked at in the beginning.  By now you should be able to associate this picture with the four different options for the symbol '2'.  

Congratulations, your skill level is now that of someone in the second grade.

Page 16v

Below, is likely another example of the options for the symbol '2'.

Possibly the two directions of the roots might refer to the symbol 'O' that usually accompanies the symbol '2', and its ability to affect letters to its right and left.

Page 7r

Below, is a plant image equivalent of the symbol '2'.  Most likely the small black tabs show possible rotations about three axes.

Page 25r

Chapter Twelve: Miscellaneous.

In this section, I just want to look at a few more images with interesting features.  First is page 8r.  As we have seen in the past sometimes the page number is significant.  I thought that the symbol '8' might have been derived from two '3''s, one mirrored.

Below, the image has the shape of the number "3" on both sides of the top leaf.  The bottom leaf almost has the look of a shadow, but I can see there is a difference between the right and left sides.  The right having more of a curved shape at the outsides, and the left more straight.  Again, a possible reference to masculine and feminine traits.

There's also a single word or two at the end of each paragraph, by themselves on the right side.

The roots also seem to contain a hint, whereby there seems to be written the number "38" in them.  Could that be a reference to a page number?  Let's check it out.

Page 8r

Below, page 38, seems related to the previous page.  It has strange colorless teardrop shapes that appear to form the letter "T".

They resemble the 'g' (end of gravity?) symbol that appear at the end of many words throughout the manuscript.  Perhaps there is a strong relationship between the two.  To me, it suggests that the symbol '8' needs that 'g' symbol because it has a strong gravitational pull and can influence the symbols around itself.

 At the bottom, under the "T", there appears to be a slice in the page that looks like a line, with the letter "S" at the end of it.  My thought is that it's showing us how the symbol 'O' before a symbol '8' transforms the baseline letter "T" into the letter "S".

It's interesting that the two flowers under the "S" are touching each other, and there's another two flowers at the bottom of the plant that are separated.  Could that be significant?

Page 38r

Below, page 4v.  Another example of the symbol '8', in the roots, being comprised of two '3''s, one mirrored, one not.

The roots also bear similarities to the roots on pages 8r, 4v, and 35v, one left, one right, one down, and one down to the left at a 45.  The roots that go straight down possibly appear as an upside down "U".  Also, to the left of center the roots look like a straighter version of the "U".  Possibly that masculine / feminine thing again.

I see a hole through the page near the roots, not sure if it was put there on purpose, or just wear and tear.

Page 4v

Next page 35v, (below), the branches look like the number "8".  I am sure there is some hidden message in the roots on this page.  The root ends are pointing in different directions, and an "n" or "U" at the center of the roots, but it is not clear what that message is.  

At the end of the roots on the left side you can almost make out the number 1415, built into the roots.  Coincidently, if that number does represent a date in time, it fits within the range of years that the carbon dating revealed for the age of this manuscript.  Also, along those same lines, could those downward facing grooves in the roots, also on the left side, just before the numbers, represent rings, similar to those in a tree stump, that tells its age?

Page 35v

Page 31r, (below), looks like a silhouette of a person, and a hand reaching out towards the flowers. Perhaps it represents the hand of God.  It looks like the flowers on the right side, that look like the symbol 'O', combine to make the shape of the symbol '8'.

The roots again going in different directions, and an "n" or "U" in the roots, this time facing to the side, 90 degrees.

Page 31r

Page 10v, (below), in the root section, it almost looks like a woman sitting in a chair, with the tail end of a fancy dress flowing out behind her.  It is unclear whether what looks like her face and hair, bleeding through the back of the page, were meant to be part of the image or not.

I've seen this in at least one other place, for example on the upper left of page 4r, looks like an eyeball, and on the back side, page 3v, a large dark purple flower bleeds thru in the same area as the eyeball.

Another interesting feature on page 10v, is the group of five entangled leaves being touched by the flower on the right side of the plant, the left side shows three leaves in a group, and on this side the flower doesn't touch the leaves.  Not sure of the exact meaning of this clue, but my guess is that it has something to do with the symbols that can combine with other symbols that they are next to.

Page 10v

Let's take another look at page 9r.  If you start with the branch that's left of center.  then follow the images from the top right counterclockwise, they look like this below.

If you look closely at these leaves, the components of each one change from one image to the next. When I look at this, I see a man with his arms in the air, and the other is either a woman or a horse.  I thought it was a horse at first, until I saw what looks like a heel on a shoe.  Arms and legs have dual purposes.  His legs double as her arm and leg.  His right hand in the first image is high in the air, a little behind him.  In the second image it starts to turn and swing inward.  In the third and fourth images, his arm swings in as if to hit the woman's ass.  Could also be some type of dance moves.   In any case the components of what's supposed to be the same leaves on a plant, are all different.

Chapter Thirteen: The Miniature World.

My thoughts on the little people that live in the plants.  Some pages show both naked and clothed little people that apparently live in all of the plants and are responsible for all of the construction and maintenance of new plants.  They appear sporadically on some of the pages towards the back of the manuscript.  Some pages seem dedicated to them.   These images seem to have a word written somewhere near the middle of the image.  These words do not appear to be encoded like the rest of the book.  I saved this for the end of my book because I believe these words are also written in English, and if we all agree that the rest of the book translates into English, then most likely, these words too are written in English.  That being said, when I first started studying this book, that is one of the first things I noticed, and although I could clearly see the English translation on most of them, it was not as apparent to the few people I shared my discoveries with, specifically certain family members, so I put this information in one of the later chapters.  I also left some of the letters as capitals, to better match the drawings.

In the first image below, it looks like the word SCALES, to me.  Don't forget to remove the "body at rest" symbol from the image first, that we discussed in a previous chapter.  The "s", "c", "a", "l", and "ending s" are straight forward.  The "e" is not clear, as it possibly goes up and down hill.

In the next image below, middle.  I see the word "ProposinG".  The 2 "p's" and the dot for the "i" and the end "G" are clear, the rest is run together.  Again, I think the line above where the "i' is, should be removed, as it looks like a "body at rest" symbol.

If you look over the women in this image, most of them are extending their arms towards the man in the center, as if to signal that they hope that he picks them, with the exception of one woman who has both arms out in front of her, as if to say, that she is very interested.

In the next image, below right, I see the word "Dominant" abbreviated as "DOMT".  The curve under the ending "T" possibly takes the place of the missing letters.  The two healthiest people with all of their genes or traits, have come together, to continue the cycle of life.  

Page 72v part b





Dominant (DOM...T)

Below, the animals eating the plants, appear to do varying degrees of damage to the ability of the people in the miniature world to retain their genetic identities.

Page 71v and 72r

Also, page 71v and 72r

Page 71r

A little damage to people, in the middle at the bottom.

A lot of damage to people.

No damage to people.

ANIMAL (anamiL)

ANIMAL (anamL)

ANIMAL (animal)

In each of the three images above, to me looks like the word ANIMAL is written phonetically as ANAMIL.  Let's go over the left image, above.  Left to right, picture a small letter "a".  Then a small "n" that's drawn against the "a" so that the right side of the "a" and the left side of the "n" share the same space. Then another "a", then a "m". The "i" could be behind the middle stem of the "m", which is hidden except for the dotted part of the "i" which is above, and then the "L" which is under to the right.

Next group.  We can see the possible phonetic spelling of "Cougar" and "Munchers". (bottom right images)

The history of the word cougar is difficult to follow, in French it was spelled couguar, the name might have been used also to describe a mountain lion or puma. It possibly had origins in Asia, 8 million years ago, then migrated across the Bering land bridge.

Page 70v(part 2)

Page 72v(part 1A)

Page 73r

Most people look shackled.

Lot of damage, no tree stumps, crowned person to the right.

People standing on top, afraid of rodents?

ANIMAL (anamil)

COUGAR (cwgre)


Next group,

In the first image, below, there are circles near the top of the page, to the left and right of the woman on the left.  Not sure what they're supposed to represent, possibly a bullseye?

In the image with the lobsters, below, right, there is a woman to the right whose crown almost matches the shape of the lobsters' tails.

Page 73v

Page 70v part a

Page 71v and 72r

Some logs are Horizontal

Lass ?



Crawler (CralleR)  Rr's are backwards

Could the sweeping shadow of the symbol 'X' be related to the backwards Rr's?

Here's another example of the one and three grouping, X  XXX, in the tail, in the middle image, above.  Also, the vertical fin, just behind the neck, on the top of the fish, looks to be flipped over 90 degrees.

More food for thought.  Looking over page 80f, we see a scene from the miniature world, I wonder if it could be an area that handles quality control.  The people that work in this miniature world must adhere to strict rules.  Their superior skills level makes them the best of the best.  Because their work involves copying genetic materials, any deviations can cause genetic defects.  So, they are dealt with harshly, when they make a mistake.  The woman in the upper right is being led in by a guard, her hands are shackled behind her back.  In the bottom left, the woman's shackles are off, and her boss is possibly pointing and telling her to get back to work, and don't make any more mistakes. 

Chapter Fourteen: Speculation and Possibility.

I had a few recent finds as I was getting ready to upload this.  Just a few areas with potential, for people to explore.

On page 77v, the 2nd word '8a2a\20x', could be the word "repairer".  

Page 77v

On page 113r, see image below, there are two similar symbols together, 'A  C\  2'.  The first 'A' = "A", the second 'C\' = "HE", and the symbol '2' = "R".

So, from "A HE R" if we reverse the two A's, then we get.  "HE A R".

Page 113r

Page 3r, below, has one large paragraph at the top and three smaller paragraphs near the bottom.  Could be coincidental, but that matches that X XXX pattern we've seen a few times.  On average most images have two paragraphs on them.  The middle paragraph also has the same group of symbols in it as the example above, 'A C\ 2'.  It also has a good example of the two versions of the symbol 'X', the leftward sloping and downward sloping angles.

Page 3r

' A  c\  2 '

Page 2v, below, the top and bottom paragraphs are riddled with double C's and the plant's leaf resembles a letter "O", which could be made from ' /CC ' if you spun one around ' ( ) '.  At the beginning of the second paragraph, there is something floating above the first word.  On one hand, it could be the letter "f", and on the other it could be just a pointer to draw your attention to some clue.  If an "O" after or before a figurine can cause the baseline letter to advance or rewind one letter, it's possible that the CC's could turn into an "O" and have a similar effect, changing the baseline letter, just NOT to the next closest letter.  

Another possibility, I really don't want to consider, but will throw it out there to leave no stone unturned, is what if the floating thing is the letters "Fe", which could be a reference to "IRON" on the periodic table.  Then if you read the symbols in this order, second, fourth, third, and first, would spell the word "IRON".  Again, I hope that's not how it works, but we should keep an open mind.

Page 3v, not shown, also has a lot of double connected C's, '/CC'.

Page 2v

Paragraph 2

On page 25v, below, in the first image, it seems like the leaves are pointing to specific features in the text.  This happens a lot throughout the book.  In this case, a word like "BORROW" could be it, or "LESSON", but it's just speculation at this point.  Just to make a point that you have to experiment, and maybe you will find a pattern that works.  It's similar to other words we've seen, "FOLLOW" and "BOTTOM".  

In the middle image below, this group of symbols, '8 c\  \\\' , appears all over this page, and on many other pages, too.  The word "THEN" seems to be a good fit.  

 I was studying the possibility of the last word on this page, being the word "ORION".  The "O", "R" and "I" are there, and '\\\ ' could be an "N", from the example above.  Perhaps they spelled it "ORIAN" for a reason.  The three words together would be "A IN ORIAN".  I still believe that the symbol ' c\ ' might have a second purpose that prevents an interaction from taking place.


last 3 words

a in ORION

Another odd symbol is on page 19r.  It reminds me of the earth, with the moon in orbit around it.  It is similar to the symbol 'n/cc', as in the word above it.


Page 2r, below, a possible palindrome for the word "MOUNTAIN", in the middle of the top paragraph.

Mountain  / Mowttown?

Again from page 2r, below, on the right side of the bottom paragraph, possibly a palindrome for the word "ANY".

'NN' / ANY

Page 78


Above, the middle and right-side images are from page 78.  We have seen more than a few times now abbreviations, palindromes, shortcuts, and phonetically sounding words to know that the word “CAPAROSIN” is a good fit for what we see going on in the middle image. All the letters seem to match except for the first one and in the next section we will discuss a connection between the symbol ‘8’ and the symbol ‘C’. It could also have something to do with the sweeping ‘X’ or the figurine.

Below, there are three images with clues that I think are linked together.  The first image, from page 50f, has a bunch of arrows around a hole through the page. What I see through the hole is the symbol ‘8’ at the bottom and two C’s connected at the top.  Probably 600 years ago the pages might have lined up better, but if you center the ‘8’ then the C’s are probably the only other thing you would see.  I think that they are one in the same, if the ‘8’ translates into the letter “T” then so do the C’s, in some translations.  There are other examples on other pages such as pages 6f, and 51f, not displayed, where the leaves that look like “combs” could represent two halves of an ‘8’ or two C’s connected.  They seem to also appear horizontally, in both examples.  On page 6f the leaf on the left pointed at by the flower seems to also have 8 teeth (or legs) on a side.  It lays in a backwards position flowing from right to left.  There are even number “8’s” showing in the roots of this plant, formed by the overlapping roots.

In the middle image below, we see a little creature, some people might say it looks like a dragon, it could be guarding some important clue that we are very close to discovering.  Of course, there will be that one skeptic that says, that can't be a dragon because dragons didn't exist in the 1400's.

It looks like it took a break to have a sip of water from a leaf.  Which brings us directly to the clue, straight above its head.  Refer to the third image below. The last word in the paragraph could be the word “WATER”, but it is spelled in two directions from the right to the middle and from the left to the middle.  “ER TAW”. 

Which is very interesting because water does move in two directions in the oceans because of the moon pulling on it.

Page 50f
Page 25v
Page 25v

Page 82f / WATEROR

Here's another example with the word "WATER" in it, on page 82f.  The style is the same except that the letter "T" is now represented by the symbol '8'.

The complete image is shown below.

I'm wondering if that glob, just to the right of the watering machine could be two water molecules stuck together.  The circle in the middle could be an oxygen atom, what looks like the number 8, could refer to the eighth element in the periodic table. There could be two oxygen atoms, one we see and one on the other side out of view, and around the outside 4 hydrogen atoms, 2 for each oxygen atom.

Page 82f "WATEROR" machine

"Wateror" machine leads to hole in page.

Lastly, another interesting characteristic of this manuscript are all the holes that are carefully carved out, through some of the pages.  

So far, I have found eighteen pages with holes through them.  I imagine that each one leads to more clues for us to find, somewhere on these marked pages.

Here are the pages I have found so far that have holes through them, pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 28, 34, 36, 41, 46, 50, 52, 72, 82, and 102.

Chapter Fifteen: Epilogue.

What's next.  Hopefully, I've convinced you, from the examples I've provided, and the considerable amount of evidence, that this is the correct path to the solution, and hopefully with all of us working together and moving in the same direction, we will uncover more clues and helpful translations, which will also reemphasize that this is the correct path to solving this puzzle book.  I think it won't be long before we know who's first and last name initials are on the large foldout page, and possibly the author of the manuscript.  

It would be interesting if someone could test Tom's drink and see if it is just ink on the page or an actual beverage that might have spilled.

I hope to someday, write a second book.  I think that new material for it will start flowing quickly once we get to a certain level of understanding the system.

The next step would be to design computer software to help find more translations amongst the pages, using what we think we already know about how it works.  The biggest problem is getting good accurate text files of the actual symbols that a computer can work with.  There are some already floating around out there on the internet, but how accurate they are and how easily they can be modified into something useful for us, is the question?  I've been experimenting with a two-letter system, for better readability and which works well with the figurine symbols and the word "IN", as well as the feminine and masculine versions of some symbols.

A good simple computer language such as Visual Basic would work just fine.  Another challenge is in coding the correct "order of operations" of the symbols.  A symbol that causes the word to rotate around might have to be applied first, before two symbols for example that make up the letter "d", were translated, or vice versa.  Do the figurines get preference?

Another thing that should be incorporated into a well written program is error forgiveness.  Some of the symbols are difficult to read, and some of the pages severely worn.  The program shouldn't make any assumptions, I noticed some o's and a's are difficult to distinguish between.  But, at the same time we don't want to create 75 different transliterations out of a dozen symbols because of an extra smudge or slight tilt to a symbol.  Also, I would hope that any words translated on any page, would be the same word across all the pages.

As a last thought, if any information presented here does lead you to some kind of buried treasure, please remember to tip the ferryman who steered you in the right direction.  Good Luck.

Any comments, questions, or inquiries can be sent to: Voynichunveiled@gmail.com

Everything has a Beginning, a Middle, and an End, even the Mystery of the Voynich Manuscript.

Back Page:

After 600 years, has the code finally been cracked?

Follow along as I take you on a tour of the pages, exploring the unusual symbols, what each represents, and how they work.   

The coding scheme seems based around an Empirical System of Learning, which is, learning by observation and experience.  This system, as it applies to the Voynich Manuscript, means that virtually all the pages have some kind of clues to offer, hidden in plain sight, within the images of the flowers and text.  Some of them are actually quite obvious.

A brilliant system, by whoever compiled this manuscript, as they were even able to select what type of personality would be able to decode it.  By designing empathy into the image of a flower, in such a way that if the observer didn't feel empathy, especially for a plant, then they would have missed a very important clue about how to decode the symbols.

Although it is still unknown who created it, there are someone's encoded initials on one of the foldout pages.  When fully decoded, it will hopefully reveal the name of who might have actually designed the Voynich Manuscript.

 The code may have been cracked, but what has been uncovered still only just scratches the surface.  Unlikely to be mere coincidence, useful translations have been decoded, such as, "Forest food I follow on foot" and "Rid not food hint"

 Now that you are on the path, can you unravel more of the mystery?